Thursday, January 8, 2009

Types of Solar Cells

Monocrystalline - made from a single large crystal, cut from ingots. Most efficient, but also the most expensive. Somewhat better in low light conditions (but not as good as some advertising hype would have you believe).

Polycrystalline - basically, cast blocks of silicon which may contain many small crystals. This is probably the most common type right now. Slightly less efficient than single crystal, but once set into a frame with 35 or so other cells, the actual difference in watts per square foot is not much.

Amorphous - "thin film", here the silicon is spread directly on large plates, usually of something like stainless steel. Cheaper to produce, but often much less efficient, which means larger panels for the same power. Unisolar is one example.

Vaporware - this is the 4th type - the one that pops up in the news about every 3 months, proclaiming the next major breakthrough that will make plastic spray on solar cells that will cost around 5 cents a watt, or some similar claim. None have reached production to date.

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