Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Portland Markets its Solar-Powered Toilets

The Portland Loo might be the most loved public toilet — not that there’s much competition.

The city of Portland has intensified its efforts to market its
patented Portland Loo, a solar-powered outdoor public
restroom.The city has sold one Loo to Victoria, British
Columbia, and hopes contracting with agents who
get 10 percent of the sales will help it take in more cash.

A lack of adequate public restrooms is an old complaint in cities across America. The bathrooms, when you can find one, are often filthy and smelly, and a magnet for drug users and vandals. Businesses such as McDonald’s and Starbucks often serve as the restroom of last resort.

Big cities from New York to San Francisco have bought high-tech, self-cleaning automatic toilets, with mixed results. In one high-profile failure, Seattle installed five such toilets in 2004 — at a cost of $5 million — only to sell them on eBay four years later because of problems with drug use and prostitution.

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